Nude Modelling Fail (Worst Model Pic Ever)

7 04 2008

I came across Hop-Hop Video Models and as the name suggests it’s a website dedicated to all the ghetto booty ladies you’d find on the typical Hip-Hop music video. There’s a “aspiring model” section where I came across this chick Christine Cruz, which would have to have the worst ever modeling pic I’ve ever seen as part of her profile. Look at it…

christine cruz

WTF is she thinking, what is the photographer thinking? How could you ever think you’d look sexy sitting on a toilet! The only people I see being attracted to this are those sick people that find chicks urinating as sexually stimulating. More importantly you are covering your most important Hip-Hop video chick assest…your ghetto booty.

Even more funny as part of her profile she says that she will not do any nude work. Um, nude means no clothes right? So where are her clothes on the toilet pic that she happily posed for? Is she not nude? Do I fail to see something?